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DC Space & Storage Solutions

Use, Components and Advantages of Drive-In Racking

Updated: Nov 1, 2022

Drive In-Racking is a high density, low selectivity system which allows the use of forklifts to load and unload products. It can use up to 85% of available space as storage, hitting a warehouse’s maximum technical capacity.

This storage method can significantly increase storage capacity of warehouses operating on a last in first out (LIFO) basis for homogenous products. Drive-In Racking requires only one access aisle, reducing forklift traffic and eliminating the need for multiple aisles. Due to its accessibility for forklifts, it is a system that utilises both cubic and floor space, making the most of warehouse height. Racking can be loaded 6-8 pallets deep.

Drive-In Racking is most commonly configured in a LIFO model, creating a compact storage solution with only one aisle needed, maximising cubic space. It can, however, also be configured on a first in first out (FIFO) basis, requiring two access lanes. While this method is less space efficient, it allows for the racking to be used where stock has high rotation requirements e.g. perishable goods. The pallets are loaded into one side and collected from the other.

The components of Drive-In Racking:

Drive-In Racking is made up of six key components; interior support arms, rail support beams, drive-in rain, overhead tie beams, top x-bracing, and rear x-bracing.

Interior support arms are used on the interior upright posts. They are constructed with a structural steel channel on a flat plate, and can be either double or single arms depending on whether they’re needed to go on the end of the row or the intermediate frames.

Rail support beams are positioned at the back of the drive-n system in order to support the rails, tie frame lines together, and add rigidity to the structure. This extra support is particularly important as forklifts will be in and out of the system and pose the risk of accidental damage and weakening of the racking.

The drive-in rail is structural steel that runs the length of the system and provides a continuous shelf for pallets to be placed and stored.

Overhead tie beams are another additional support mechanism, and tie the system together above the top load. They are usually structural steel channel beams.

Top x-braces are structural flat plates which crisscross and tie the drive-in system above the top loads. Working together with the overhead tie beams, they connect and add an extra bracing and security system to the racking.

Rear x-braces have the same function as top x-braces, but are positioned on the rear of each bay.

Advantages of Drive-In Racking:

The dense storage system provided by drive-in racking is ideal for cold-storage systems as the compact nature of the racking is more efficient to keep cool and requires less energy. This is a particularly significant advantage under the current energy crisis.

It is a very efficient storage solution due to its high density, particularly when used with homogenous products that don’t need regular turnover. Pallets can be stocked double deep and increase capacity greatly.

It is a very versatile storage solution, with options for customisation and reconfiguration, and can be turned into a FIFO system. The system can also be combined with other existing racking such as push-back racking.

It is also a more cost-effective option due to its simpler configuration, particularly when aligned with its efficiency.

While the system is configured with necessary reinforcements to improve its durability, we offer a huge variety of safety equipment that can be added to further protect your racking system and increase its longevity, particularly in regard to accidental collision damage from forklifts and other material handling equipment.

No matter your individual needs, you can rest assured that here at DC Space & Storage Solutions, we understand the importance of finding the right pallet racking for your company, and are always on hand to help find the best and most affordable outcome for you.

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